The Anglican Communion: A View From Pakistan

Michelle Samuel  |  World
Date posted:  1 May 2019
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The Anglican Communion: A View From Pakistan

Michelle Samuel reflects on GAFCON 2019 from the perspective of Anglican churches facing persecution...

Bishops, Clergy, and Lay people brought stories and testimonies of being witnesses of Christ and enduring persecution for His name. Teaching from Philippians, multi-lingual worship, intercession, and stories of hope and pain were shared. Trust was built among complete strangers. Each one’s journey was difficult, but no one seemed overwhelmed by the challenges to the point of walking away.

Some wept, others shared betrayal, and others simple faith. As tears were swallowed back, the deep truths and the joyful highs behind every testimony of God’s goodness refined a theology of suffering for witnesses of Christ’s truth. One priest wept as he shared the betrayal he had suffered and his search for legitimate leadership that proclaims the authority of Christ.

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