Nicaragua: Spirit Filled

Every Home for Christ  |  World
Date posted:  1 May 2019
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Nicaragua: Spirit Filled

Farm land in Nicaragua | photo: iStock

Married couple Leyla and Juan, who describe themselves as ‘amateur evangelists’, went through some basic evangelism training and then started volunteering for Every Home for Christ in their spare time.

They were sharing the gospel in Sabaco when they came to a home that made them pause. Through the closed door they could hear a woman wailing uncontrollably.

Inside they found a man lying on a couch vomiting blood and foam. Jose, a farmer, had got drunk and mistaken a bottle of toxic fertiliser for alcohol. The doctor had said he would die in a few hours. Leyla and Juan decided to pray with the family just as a sign of solidarity, rather than believing things would turn out well.

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