EFAC: successful re-launch completed

The Revd Richard Crocker  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2019
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EFAC: successful re-launch completed

Some of the EFAC Council

The Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC) held the second part of its 2018 international Council meeting in Nairobi in October.

The successful establishment of the Council heralds EFAC’s reemergence as a powerful international Anglican ministry. EFAC’s vision is to encourage and develop biblically faithful fellowship, teaching and mission, as well as to resource church leaders throughout the Anglican world. There were 22 participants, including those from existing, reviving (four) or developing EFAC national Chapters. Five continents were represented and 11 participants were bishops.

The Revd Richard Crocker, General Secretary, led the gathering. Also in attendance were Dr Caroline Crocker, Director of Communications, Dr Peter Walker, Director of EFAC’s Theological Resource Network, and Trustees Bishop Keith Sinclair, Canon Dr Chris Sugden and Stephen Hofmyer QC.

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