Saudi Arabia: Western hypocrisy and persecution

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Dec 2018
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Saudi Arabia: Western hypocrisy and persecution

Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman with James Mattis in Washington, 2018 | photo: Wiki

With Saudi Arabia in the headlines regarding the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, concerns over the arms deals with the UK, and the war in Yemen, Barnabas Fund take a look at the nation and its treatment of Christians.

Western oil interests and a quest for Middle Eastern ‘stability’ mean Saudi Arabia is welcomed as an ally of the so-called Christian West – a profound contradiction that ignores the country’s treatment of Christians and involvement in jihadist violence around the globe. The largely unquestioning support of Western governments for Saudi Arabia is an insult to Christ’s followers there who live in the shadow of death.

Total annihilation

It is a capital offence for a Muslim to convert to Christianity in Saudi Arabia. Although none have been officially executed, as far as is known, some converts have been murdered by family members. The number of Saudi nationals who are Christians is unknown and even for foreigners it is not advisable or safe to be openly Christian in Saudi Arabia because it is illegal to manifest any religion publicly except Islam. The foreign workers who are Christians are only able to worship in secret and even private gatherings are sometimes raided by religious police. Active believers, including Western expatriates, face potential deportation; non-Westerners can face imprisonment and torture.

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