Imam helps Christians

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Aug 2018
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A group of 262 Nigerian Christian farmers fleeing a murderous attack by Muslim Fulani herdsmen were saved when they were given shelter by an imam on 24 June.

The village was attacked by around 300 armed men, reportedly Fulani cattle herd-ers. The gang opened fire killing scores of Christians and set fire to people’s homes and the local church. Some Christian families escaped from the gunmen to a mainly Muslim village nearby. A local imam took in around 262 people, hiding women and children in his home, and taking the men to the mosque.

The armed attackers threatened to burn down his house and mosque. The imam refused to allow the gunmen in, insisting everyone inside was Muslim. Other villagers joined him in pleading with the Fulani until they left the area.

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