Israel: facing opposition

Morning Star News  |  World
Date posted:  1 Mar 2018
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Israel: facing opposition

The bookshop in Tel Aviv photo:

After opposition shut down a meeting centre for Messianic Jews in southern Israel last May, ultra-Orthodox Jews began harassing it again after it re-opened in January.

The ultra-Orthodox Jews protested the presence of the centre and threatened some of the Messianic Jews (Jewish followers of Jesus). The centre, where Messianic Jews meet for conversation, coffee and tea, had been temporarily closed last year due to protests by ultra-Orthodox Jews after which they damaged Messianic Jewish leaders’ homes, breaking windows and traumatising two children inside one home.

Death threat

One of the rabbis wrote in a local newspaper: ‘We went to that house in order to silence them by force, but that woman would not stop talking! She should know about that other verse of Psalm 23, about the valley of the shadow of death. Let her go through it, together with her husband.’

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