Egypt: negotiated build

World Watch Monitor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2018
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Copts in the town of Kom El-Loufy, 250 km south of Cairo, started the construction of a church in late December, 12 years after their previous building was closed.

Ever since their previous building was closed the Coptic community of 1,600 people in Kom El-Loufy has experienced fierce opposition from their Muslim neighbours. Some locals set fire to four Coptic homes in July last year, suspecting that a newly-built house would be turned into a church.

Outside village

With the agreement of the local Muslims, the Copts started digging the foundations for their new church on land 700 metres outside the village. An official application for a license to build was first filed ten years ago. Prior to an agreement being reached, the Christians withdrew their charges against 23 Muslims who burned down some of their houses in June.

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