EFAC reorganises & renews its mission

Chris Sugden  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2018
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EFAC reorganises & renews its mission

Bishop of Singapore, Rennis Ponniah

At a meeting of Trustees in October, the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC) restated its vision and appointed new leadership.

EFAC’s purpose remains to encourage and develop biblically faithful fellowship and mission throughout the Anglican world. It is adjusting its goals and strategies to best serve its constituency, which has seen tremendous change since John Stott founded the Fellowship in 1961.

The Anglican presence in Africa, Asia and South America has grown in encouraging ways but, in recent years, moral and doctrinal confusion in some Western provinces has impaired relationships. Separate ecclesial bodies have been formed and energy has been diverted from vital missiological concerns.

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