Mark Foster  |  World
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Ukraine is now a forgotten war.

No longer does it feature in Western news bulletins, or confront us on the front pages of our newspapers. Indeed it hardly rates a mention in any page of our tabloids or broad-sheets. The shock that many felt when Crimea was annexed by Russia, and the subsequent turmoil inflicted upon the eastern parts of Ukraine by the violence of war, has all but faded from our memories. Yet the shelling and shooting and killing continue, bringing pain and hurt and loss to many thousands of citizens on both sides of the war front.

Believers and refugees

SGA’s General Director, Derek Maxwell, recently had the opportunity to visit and see for himself the devastation resulting from the internal war in Ukraine. Since the outbreak of hostilities and the forced exodus of many thousands of Ukrainians from the eastern region, SGA[UK] has been providing financial aid to churches and believers to enable them to help and provide for the refugees. Evangelical believers were at the forefront of the relief effort, a fact recognised at the highest political levels in Ukraine, resulting in a mandate drawn up and signed by the country’s President to permit believers officially to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation across the country. Derek’s report is both challenging and encouraging:

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