Canada: new confessing Anglicanism

Andrew Symes  |  World
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Canada: new confessing Anglicanism

Bishop Charlie Masters | photo: St Peter and St Paul’s, Ottawa

The Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) consists of over 70 congregations, which over the past ten years have seceded from the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC), or have begun as new plants.

The movement began with biblical-ly orthodox groups coming together as ‘Anglican Essentials’ in the 1990s, to re-state the basics of apostolic faith in a context of increasing influence of secularist and liberal thinking among the leadership of Anglican and other mainline churches.

As some congregations distanced themselves from revisionist bishops in protest, they were aggressively pursued in the courts by ACoC. In 2007, ANiC was officially constituted under the oversight of Archbishop Greg Venables from South America, and then 2009 saw the formation of the GAFCON-aligned, biblically-faithful Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), of which ANiC became a constituent Diocese. More details of the movement’s history can be found here:

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