Caribbean: after the hurricane

Chris Sugden  |  World
Date posted:  1 Nov 2017
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Caribbean: after the hurricane

Bishop Errol Brooks

Badly affected by Hurricane Irma, the island of Anguilla in the Diocese of North East Caribbean and Aruba featured in the BBC2 series, An Island Parish.

Speaking to en on 27 September, Bishop Errol Brooks, whom the TV programme described as a ‘rock’, said that the western half of Anguilla had suffered the worst.

Badly damaged

Of the three Anglican churches, the roof of St Andrew’s Island Harbour had been badly damaged. The winds that blew throughout the day had lifted a sheet or two of the roof in the main church, St Mary’s in the Valley, and water had got inside. While the worship area of the new section of St Augustine’s remained intact the 200-year-old section of the church had been badly damaged. ‘I do not know where to start,’ said the assessor.

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