Just who is raising objections?

Chris Sugden  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2017
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Just who is raising objections?

After the ordination service in Franchhoek

Five bishops in the Anglican Church of Australia have asked their church lawyers whether bishops can take part in consecrating another bishop of a church which is not formally part of the Anglican Communion.

They raised objections to the consecration in May of the Rt Revd Andrew Lines of the Anglican Church in North America by the Archbishop of Sydney and bishops of Tasmania and Northwest Australia. These proceedings were set to dominate the meetings of the Church’s General Synod in September.

Support from Africa

Meanwhile bishops from Uganda and Sudan have been taking steps to support a movement in South Africa to maintain bibli-cally faithful Anglican witness. The Southern Africa Mission held an ordination service of the Church of Uganda in Trinity Anglican Church Franchhoek near Cape Town on 10 September. The ordination was conducted by the Rt Revd Dr Joel Obetia, former Bishop of Arua and West Nile in the Church of Uganda and now on the faculty of Uganda Christian University. The priests of the church are missionary priests of the Province of Uganda, whose Archbishop Stanley Ntagali is Vice-Chairman of GAFCON.

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