Indonesia: blasphemy

World Watch Monitor  |  World
Date posted:  1 May 2017
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Indonesia: blasphemy

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama | photo: Wiki

An Indonesian Christian governor on trial for blasphemy said on 4 April that he has been the target of racist and religious attacks since his election to public office in 2005.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (known as ‘Ahok’), the governor of Jakarta, also reiterated to the court his belief that the Qur’anic verse at the centre of his trial does not tell Muslims they cannot vote for a Christian. (The verse instructs Muslims to ‘not take the Jews and the Christians as allies’.)

Speaking on the final day of witness testimony, he also said that hard-line cleric Rizieq Shihab, who on account of this argument had accused him of ‘insulting Islam’, was ‘a liar’.

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