Caught between bishops and the blue sea

Gavin Mitchell  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2017
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Caught between bishops and the blue sea

Springbok – a national symbol of South Africa | photo: iStock

The Anglican Church of the Province of Southern Africa, now known as the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA), is one of the provinces of the Anglican Communion that claims to walk the tightrope of the ‘middle path’ in the doctrinal and moral wars of the modern Communion.

ACSA believes that its hero status, from the leading role that it had in the anti-apartheid movement, gives it the new role in championing the indabas (discussions) which some see as essential to the future of Anglicanism. In reality, this means pressure from many bishops and lay leaders for ‘continuous conversations’ until sufficient minds are changed (for a Synod vote) to the new pan-sexual morality. If they can achieve this while convincing people in the pews that nothing is really changing and after all ‘this is what Jesus would want us to do’, all the better.

Evangelicals marginalised

Where does this leave the Bible-believing evangelicals in ACSA? Evangelicals have never really held sway in this province, where history is rooted in the many Anglo Catholic missions of the later 19th century, and which has developed into a very strong hierarchy-centered church. This has suited many in the pews, conferring the status of an Episcopal church over many non-episcopal denominations. Thus there is little demand for sound doctrine as long as the bishop wears a mitre and the liturgy is impressive. All these developments have marginalised the views of evangelicals.

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