Russia reverts to state control of religion

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Aug 2016
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Russia reverts to state control of religion

The Kremlin in Moscow | photo: Barnabas Fund

A Bill primarily aimed at anti-terrorist activities was signed into law by President Putin on Sunday 3 July.

Protestant Christians in Russia fear that the new law will be chiefly enforced as a weapon against them but not used against the Orthodox Church, which Mr Putin has favoured in the past.

State authorisation

Two members of the Russian Duma (parliament) introduced a series of amendments to anti-terrorist legislation that would require individuals to gain prior state authorisation before even discussing their faith with someone else. The Duma adopted the amendments and despite major protests by churches the Bill was passed by the Council of the Russian Federation. It then went to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has now passed the Bill into law

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