Austria: reaching out to the refugees

Katie Wynne  |  World
Date posted:  1 Apr 2016
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Austria: reaching out to the refugees

Katie Wynne

A lady in a headscarf hurries back into the vandalised entrance to a tired block of flats.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the street, in the shadow of a newly-painted Roman Catholic Church, a well-fed politician is greeted by cheers as, using a loudspeaker, he proclaims: ‘the source of Austria’s problems, all of Austria’s problems, is the scandal of immigration.’

There is no doubt, we are living in a time of change. Demographically, socially and culturally, Europe is facing one of the greatest challenges of its history. Over 1million refugees arrived in 2015 alone and more and more reach our borders each day. And yet perhaps most difficult of all is knowing what the best solution is, if there even is one. I have no answers to this. But, political opinions aside, the fact is that there are hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in desperate need of hope. And, as Christians, we have the privilege, challenge and responsibility of being able to help.

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