Individualism and religious freedom

Chris Sugden  |  World
Date posted:  1 Mar 2016
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Individualism and religious freedom

photo: iStock

In the worldwide Anglican debate over gay marriage and same sex relationships, a major issue is the human rights of people who are same sex attracted to contract marriage on the same legal level as heterosexuals.

The UK Justice Ministry is preparing a Bill of Rights and a Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights will hear evidence to address the relationship between human rights in the UK and those determined by the European Commission on Human Rights, which some argue are overly intrusive upon our national sovereignty. Dominic Grieve MP, the former Attorney General, argues that if Britain withdraws from the European Convention (not the EU) then other nations would do the same, with perhaps more egregious consequences for their own citizens.

Human rights universal?

If human rights mean anything, they are universal and apply to all by virtue of being human. But China insists that it has its own understanding of human rights and resists outside influence – for example, until recently, couples were allowed to have only one child, leading to a huge surfeit of unmarried men. Few young Chinese have brothers or sisters.

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