World: help for displaced Christians

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2016
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World: help for displaced Christians

Food for displaced Syrian Christians in Armenia | photo: Barnabas Fund

Barnabas Fund reported in December that there have been wonderful responses from Western governments to the desperate plight of Christians in Iraq and Syria.

For many months Barnabas Fund has been raising awareness about the great danger facing Christians in the Middle East and drawing attention to the way they have been overlooked in many rescue programmes. After visiting a number of capital cities in Europe and initiating a major campaign in Australia, there are signs of a growing concern for suffering Christians.

Australia’s generosity

Thanks in part to a letter-writing campaign, the Australian Government has agreed to allow displaced Christians living in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey to apply for a place under its Special Humanitarian Programme (SHP) that will provide 12,000 places for people displaced by the conflicts in Iraq and Syria – even if they do not live in recognised refugee camps.

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