France: Francophone preaching

James Hely Hutchinson  |  World
Date posted:  1 Dec 2015
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France: Francophone preaching

William Taylor

In God’s kind providence, some Francophone preachers have the bit between the teeth in relation to expository preaching.

The first conference of ‘Prêche la Parole’ (‘PLP’ – ‘Preach the Word’, reflecting the mandate of 2 Timothy 4.2) took place in Paris from 2–4 November. It drew around 35 expositors from France, Switzerland and Belgium. Although there was a strong representation from France’s capital, a significant number of the pastors present had been trained at the Bible Institutes in Geneva and Brussels. Confessionally, PLP is tied to the Francophone Gospel Coalition (Evangile 21), embracing Reformed and complemen-tarian convictions.

Keys to understanding

The main speaker was William Taylor, Rector of St Helen’s, Bishopsgate. He reminded delegates of some key characteristics of Scripture and covered some important ground in the area of Bible handling. He also provided some keys to understanding John’s Gospel, concluding with two superb sermons – on John 5 and John 14 – which stirred the heart.

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