South Sudan: vibrant ministry

MERF  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2015
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South Sudan: vibrant ministry

Blankets and nets arriving at Bentiu, South Sudan

In 2011, after over two decades of civil war, the new African nation of South Sudan divided from Sudan.

All hoped for development and deliverance from extreme poverty through oil revenues. Since December 2013, hopes have been repeatedly dashed by brutal military clashes and reprisals destroying homes, crops, oil installations, and the few existing services. Thousands have been killed. Around two million fled for their lives internally to safe areas or to camps in neighbouring Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda.

Despite such turmoil and suffering, a vibrant ministry to South Sudanese and other East Africans has continued from the MERF (Middle East Reformed Fellowship) Centre just south of the border in Lokichoggio, Kenya. The ‘Loki’ Centre is base for gospel radio broadcasts, intensive Bible training courses, church planting among the largely unreached Kenyan Turkana tribe, and diaconal aid to the needy.

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