Rescue breakthrough

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2015
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On 17 September, Barnabas Fund announced that Operation Safe Havens has made a significant breakthrough.

The campaign to rescue Christians from the killing fields of Iraq and Syria has been spotlighting the plight of Christians in the Middle East who are specifically targeted by Islamic State (IS) fighters. One government has now indicated that it is willing to accept approximately 10,000 Christians fleeing the Middle East.

The British government and other Western governments are also beginning to listen and to understand that Christians must be treated as a vulnerable minority. Christians from Iraq and Syria do not normally live in refugee camps as it is too dangerous for them to be there. Instead, they seek shelter in schools, churches and other large buildings, or with relatives where possible. To rescue Christians in danger, governments must make committed efforts to look beyond the refugee camps.

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