New term, fresh faces

Chris Sugden  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2015
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New term, fresh faces

Rod Thomas

In the Western hemisphere, September saw a new year for schools, universities and many professional bodies. This year it saw the elections for the new five year term of the Church of England General Synod and four new appointees in the Anglican Communion and the Church of England take up their office and ministries.

They all come from evangelical and orthodox backgrounds and commitments.


The new Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, the Most Reverend Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, was secretary for the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion in Nigeria, an international fellowship founded by John Stott. He attended the National Evangelical Anglican Congress (3) held at Caister in 1988 and NEAC 4 in Blackpool in 2003. In a recent interview on the BBC Sunday programme he said: ‘Why all of us within the Communion have some uneasiness about it [the move by The Episcopal Church in America to allow gay marriage] is simply because it goes against Resolution 1.10 of Lambeth 1998. That resolution says: “In view of the teaching of Scripture, we uphold faithfulness in marriage between a man and a woman in lifelong union, and believe that abstinence is right for those who are not called to marriage”. The other side of the coin is in Nigeria or Uganda where homosexuals are being criminalised. It goes against the spirit of Resolution 1.10. … Any resolutions from any province that does not take Resolution 1.10 seriously is against the agreement within this church… As Secretary General, my job is to present and execute the decisions of the four instruments of unity we have.’ A full transcript of his interview can be found at

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