Colombia: growing Christian presence among FARC

Deann Alford  |  World
Date posted:  1 Apr 2015
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Colombia: growing Christian presence among FARC

FARC fighters | photo:

After a half-century of continuous civil war in Colombia, a new story is beginning to emerge: guerrillas in half of the fronts of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, can be openly Christian and not killed for it.

FARC leadership allows its militants to listen to Christian radio stations operated by the Bogota-based ministry, Colombia for Christ.

Currently, 29 comandantes – military commanders – are meeting for peace talks in Havana with representatives of the Colombian government. The talks began in November 2012. The guerrillas’ lead negotiator is its secretariat member, Ivan Marquez, who identified three among the FARC’s Havana negotiators as Christians, and said that people are free to follow the religion of their choice.

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