Uruguay: CE in prisons

Date posted:  1 Feb 2015
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Uruguay: CE in prisons

photo: iStock

Christianity Explored Ministries (CEM) and Prison Fellowship International (PFI) have announced that their new, three-strand evangelism programme has been accepted into both the Brazilian and Uruguayan prison systems. In Brazil the initiative is being funded by the national government.

Over the next three years, nearly 11,000 prisoners in Brazil will complete The Prisoners Journey (TPJ) through Prison Fellowship Brazil. Brazil is the world’s fourth largest prison system, where conditions are some of the worst on earth.

In addition, TPJ is set to become the primary evangelistic programme for all 22 prisons in Uruguay. Local agency Vida Nueva (New Life) Uruguay expects that more than 40% of the total prison population will complete the course over the next three years – a total of 4,600 inmates.

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