China: uncontrollable

The Christian Institute  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2015
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China: uncontrollable

Liu Xiaoming, Ambassador to UK | photo: Chinese Embassy

In spite of a huge weight of persecution and state oppression, the number of Christians in China is growing year on year, with even the mainstream media in December suggesting that Christians may already outnumber the membership of the ruling Communist Party.

Chinese officials say that there are between 23 and 40 million Christians in the country. However, other estimates indicate that there are between 60 and 120 million believers.

The meteoric spread of the gospel continues despite a recent crackdown on official church buildings in the country. In 2014, more than 230 structures have been classed as illegal, with some even being demolished by the authorities. Many more Christians meet in unregistered ‘house churches’, which are increasingly emerging into the public sphere.

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