From woodcutter to rickshaw evangelist

Gospel For Asia  |  World
Date posted:  1 Dec 2014
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From woodcutter to rickshaw evangelist

After talking to Pastor Matthew, Idhant embraced Christ | photo: Gospel For Asia

Idhant had only been married a few years when his wife left him. He earned less than a dollar a day chopping wood, and scraped by into his mid-40s with little to cheer him or look forward to, until he met Gospel For Asia Pastor Matthew.

When Pastor Matthew came to Idhant’s village and heard the man’s story, he was so deeply moved that he invited Idhant to live with his family. Pastor Matthew’s wife and children took him in as one of their own, and as they demonstrated God’s love each day, Idhant began to want what they had.

Sharing Jesus

Once Idhant decided to embrace Christ, he couldn’t keep the good news to himself. He began traveling with Pastor Matthew to share with others how Jesus could work in their lives. But even as he shared his new joy and delighted in his surrogate family, Idhant continued to struggle financially.

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