Lessons for the future from the US?

Andrew Symes  |  World
Date posted:  1 Aug 2014
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Lessons for the future from the US?

(LtoR) Archbishop Foley Beach, Andrew Symes and Mrs Allison Beach

At the end of June I was privileged to attend the Assembly of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), a vibrant and upbeat gathering of nearly 1000 people at St Vincent University, Pennsylvania.

It was a celebration to mark five years since its formation, to worship together and hear from the Lord, and to recommit itself as a movement under the leadership of Archbishop-Elect Foley Beach to mission based on the foundation of God’s Word.

ACNA includes various groups who on grounds of conscience took leave of the Episcopal Church of USA (TEC) and the Anglican Church of Canada. For example, the Reformed Episcopal Church had been independent for some decades; newer breakaways included those who sought episcopal oversight from Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and the Southern Cone of America during the chaotic years following Lambeth 1998, when it became increasingly difficult for evangelicals and orthodox Anglo-Catholics to be part of North American Anglicanism with its radically liberal trajectory.

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