Kenya: killing spree

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Aug 2014
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Around 50 people were killed in an al-Shabaab attack on a mainly Christian town in Kenya on June 15 with the gunmen going door-to-door questioning occupants about their faith and shooting non-Muslim men.

The militants descended on Mpeketoni, a coastal town in Lamu district near the border with Somalia, throwing explosives into the local police station before looting its armoury and going on a shooting spree throughout the town, shouting Allahu Akhbar (Allah is great).

Resident Ali Lalo Uweso said: ‘The attackers entered house-to-house shooting the men. We were locked up in our houses for close to eight hours in fear as gunshots and explosions were heard outside. The militants asked whether the men were Muslim and whether they spoke Somali, singling out those who responded in the negative’.

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