Indonesia: more shari’a

Barnabas Fund  |  World
Date posted:  1 Apr 2014
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Shari’a laws will be extended to non-Muslims in the Indonesian province of Aceh under a controversial new by-law approved in December.

Elements of shari’a are already in force in the territory but are applied only to Muslims. A Councillor, Abdulah Saleh, said: ‘The qanun does indeed oblige everyone in Aceh to follow shari’a without exception. It would be unfair if Muslims were punished while non-Muslims were not, just because shari’a violations are not stipulated in the criminal code.’

Three-time violators of dress code rules could be publicly caned. Shari’a laws that are in force in Aceh include the prohibition of alcohol and affectionate contact between unmarried couples.

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