Java: open then shut

Morning Star News  |  World
Date posted:  1 Mar 2014
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Java: open then shut

Sign sealing shut the church

A small church in Central Java, Indonesia, that has struggled for more than a decade to keep its worship facility, celebrated a reopening in early December only to see it shut before Christmas, due to protests from hard-line Islamists.

The 41 Christians of the rural church in Pepanthan Dermolo village began worship-ing again in the building Islamic extremists had long denied them. Two weeks later, they did not dare meet there, due to threat of violence from a local group called the Muslim Solidarity Forum of Dermolo.

The church, a branch of an established Mennonite denomination called the Gereja Injili di Tanah Jawa (Evangelical Church on the Land of Java, or GITJ), has a valid building permit, the pastor said, but an order was made which temporarily stops the services there.

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