Iran: early release

Mohabat News  |  World
Date posted:  1 Mar 2014
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Iran: early release

Davoud Alijani | photo: Mohabat News

Davoud Alijani, a Christian convert and minister at the Assemblies of God Church of Ahwaz, who had been imprisoned, was granted 20 days of remission and released on January 13, after 257 days in jail, and his wife was released in early February.

Based on the accusations of ‘proselytising Muslims’ and ‘propagating against the Islamic regime through evangelism’, the Revolutionary Court of Ahwaz sentenced four Christian detainees to one year in prison. One man was taken to prison to serve his sentence as he went to the court. The three others were summoned to the court and transferred to Sepidar prison from there.

Shock raid

None of the four Christian prisoners were granted a leave permit during their time in prison. It is reported that an administrative order to Iranian courts prohibits them from issuing leave permits for prisoners of conscience and political prisoners.

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