Iran: homes raided

Christian Solidarity Worldwide  |  World
Date posted:  1 Feb 2014
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Iran: homes raided

The Irani family | photo:

Security forces raided homes of four Christians in Karaj, Iran on December 15.

This included that of Kristina Irani, wife of imprisoned Church of Iran pastor, Behnam Irani. The homes of Silas Rabbani, Amin Khaki and an unnamed Christian were raided by members of the security forces, who confiscated Bibles, even though none of these homes are house churches. The three men were subsequently informed that they would be receiving a summons for a court hearing.

The fourth raid involved the home of the wife of Pastor Behnam Irani, who is currently detained in Ghezal Hesar Prison. During the raid, her laptop and some Christian materials were confiscated and she was shouted at and intimidated by the security forces, which frightened her two children. It is not yet clear whether Mrs. Irani will also be summoned to court.

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