USA: ‘don’t help poor here’

Crosswalk  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jan 2014
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It was reported on November 21 that a ministry serving the homeless had been banned from helping the poor as it was taking place on public property, a street in Harrisburg.

Liberty Institute and Independence Law Center, on behalf of its client Isaiah 61 Ministries — a well-established non-profit Christian ministry serving homeless and elderly people in Harrisburg — submitted a demand letter to Dauphin County commissioners for wrongfully pushing a Christian ministry off public property and threatening to arrest ministry workers and volunteers if they continued their ministry on county property.

Every week for more than five years, staff and volunteers associated with Isaiah 61 Ministries have provided meals, toiletries, clothing and other forms of assistance to the homeless men and women of Harrisburg, as well as to the poor and elderly.

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