Crosslands Training recently held their winter conference in Newcastle, three days in which all the parts of Crosslands come together for a brief moment.
John Woods was there and writes: I was staying with the family of a 3rd Year Crosslands Seminary student. The light was on in his office at 5am; that is when he does his course work and assignments. This exciting programme brings out that kind of commitment in people.
Crosslands Seminary has over 150 students (trebled in the last 7 years), but is not a traditional residential seminary, nor is it an online seminary. Students have creative online material to help them work on four core modules each year. In addition, students attend two in-person residentials, supplemented by five in-person seminar days for 4-8 students with their own assigned tutor. There are 22 groups with 18 tutors working alongside the Crosslands faculty to tutor these.
Are seminaries failing in the teaching of New Testament Greek?
In 1453, Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the Ottoman Turks. This was a disaster for the …