As a Christian Conservative I have a realistic view of politics and the role of the state, which leans on the fundamental Biblical understanding of a fallen humanity (Gen. 3) in need of Christ’s redemption.
Conservatives do not use a blank canvas to paint a plan to fit in with the needs of a modern age, nor do we seek to impose an ideological blueprint on society, and certainly not misuse a Biblical one. Rather, Conservatism is the idea that we can build on what needs conserving from the past.
These inherited values from previous generations may take a different form for a modern age, but are respected and passed on. Conservatism has an inherent respect for institutions; a Biblically infused respect for authorities (Rom. 13:1-5) – to restrain evil and promote good (Rom. 13:4-5) – and will prioritise the state’s role to provide law and order and defend our realm.
What makes a leader? Reflections from the Conservative Party Conference
I am writing this article on the way back from the Conservative Party Conference, where most of my time was …