Michael Ots writes: It was a joy to meet with 130 evangelistic workers from around the UK for the ninth annual FEW (Fellowship of Evangelistic Workers) Conference.
The gathering is organised and hosted by the Association of Evangelists (AofE.org.uk) but has numerous organisations and churches represented and it was a joy to hear of the many and varied ways that people are sharing the gospel around the UK – on streets, promenades and beaches, in educational establishments, prisons, and camps and through preaching, small groups and personal work.
The aim of the FEW is to equip and encourage emerging and existing evangelistic workers. It was great to have a varied program. Rico Tice gave three plenary talks giving us a strong Biblical foundation for the work in which we are involved in and a reminder of the urgency of the task at hand.
Church events: How wide should we cast the net?
Over the Christmas period our church, like many others, had several evangelistic events. We had the classic Christingle and Nativity …