Dave Gobbett, Lead Pastor, Highfields Church Cardiff, writes: It is a great thrill to report the launch of a new gospel congregation in South Wales.
November 5th will be the date to remember as the first meeting of Penarth Evangelical Church (penarthchurch.org.uk), planted by Highfields Church, Cardiff. With a core team of around 30 led by three elders, between 70 and 80 people, young and old, mature believers and interested enquirers, are now gathering together each week, committed to Bible-believing, cross-preaching, soul-reaching, and community-creating life together.
Highfields Church has been involved in several church plants or revitalisations over the years, but we’ve been particularly encouraged seeing the Lord sovereignly overrule in the galvanising of this new work. Penarth is in the Vale of Glamorgan, just to the west of Cardiff. It’s in a wider community of 30–40,000 people, where the vast majority of people have no interest in the gospel.
A call to endure in church planting
Patience is more than a virtue; it’s a necessity.Unspoken expectations in ministry are huge. As Pete the Planter sets …