The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) has launched a new partnership with a ministry called The Church Office to help independent churches with policies and procedures to serve their work and ministry.
In November, the first tranche of essential document templates were released on the FIEC website, and this will gradually be developed in the months to come to create a whole suite of resources for churches to make use of. In addition, FIEC has recruited a new member of staff to serve affiliated churches by helping them to develop the template policies to serve the needs of a particular church.
This new area of work has been launched in response to the needs of churches who are increasingly needing support in the increasingly complex area of charity governance. The churches that belong to FIEC are all independent charities and therefore need to ensure these important documents are fit for purpose.
Could we abandon church notices?
How are your notices? Highlight of the service, or a necessity that is dull as ditch-water?For most of us, …