West Kilburn

UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2023
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West Kilburn

Elizabeth Sims writes: On 16 September about 150 people met to give God praise and thanks for a new season in the life of West Kilburn Baptist Church (WKBC); the induction of Steve Palframan as the new pastor and the commissioning of our church revitalisation.

During the service, we recalled how over the past 2 years God had led us to this day. We gave God thanks for His gracious hand upon us whilst we were without a pastor and praised Him for the help and guidance of Johnny Prime and Trevor Archer from the FIEC.

The anointed sermon preached by Pastor Yanick Christos-Wahab from Stockwell Baptist Church on Psalm 96 was a challenge to worship our Triune God. The focus was on worship; a genuine heart full of praise for the living God and telling others about how good God is and what He has done. We were challenged with the questions of: ‘What is your mission, what is the mission of the church and how do we live in the light of God’s mission for us?’

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