The Malta plan: training 50,000 leaders in three years

Christians in Sport  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2023
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The Malta plan: training 50,000 leaders in three years


This November in Malta, after four years of planning, UK Christians in Sport staff will join over 100 leaders in sports ministry, from more than 30 countries involved in competitive and elite sport, for a four-day conference.

The conference includes the release of over 150 brand-new resources in four languages, and an internationally accessible leadership development programme.

Hundreds of new resources

These new resources include a new set of Bible studies in Mark’s Gospel, produced in partnership with Biblica, with plans in place for over 50,000 leaders to be trained to use these worldwide with nearly 1million sportspeople over the next three years. Training will also be delivered through digital resources, including over 50 new films used as part of a series of online courses – all helping equip sportspeople to connect their sport and faith and share the gospel. With a global focus, all the resources will be translated initially into the eight most widely spoken languages on the planet as leaders head from Malta back to their continents to train thousands more.

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