Mobile game moves forward

Andy Geers  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2023
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Mobile game moves forward

From a teaser trailer for the game (which will be in colour)

UK charity Discipleship Tech, creators of the award-winning PrayerMate app, have launched a crowdfunding campaign for The Serpent & The Seed, a mobile adventure game currently in development for iOS and Android.

Inspired by classic mobile games like Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP and Monument Valley, The Serpent & The Seed will take players on a poetic journey exploring why our world is the way it is – full of so much beauty intertwined with so much brokenness – and where the source of true hope can be found.

Now Discipleship Tech are seeking £32,000, or as they describe it, ‘£1 for every verse in the Bible’. The money will be used to fund development of the remaining three acts of the game that will give a whirlwind tour of the rest of the Old Testament and on to Jesus and beyond. Over £11,000 of ‘matched giving’ is available, meaning that for every £1 donated the charity will raise £2 towards development of the project.

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