Anglicans on the edge

Anglican Futures  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Feb 2023
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Anglicans on  the edge

On The Edge provided Anglicans with a setting to talk about whether they can honour God from within the CofE

On The Edge is a confidential gathering for Anglicans who are considering whether they can remain in the Church of England (or other Canterbury-aligned structures) writes Susie Leafe. It is hard to report on an entirely secret event – but hopefully this will give a flavour of what it is like to attend On The Edge.

The team of On The Edge, which is run by Anglican Futures, aims to provide a warm welcome – for many who attend, the first time they meet anyone involved is when they walk through the door of the anonymous hotel, and most are emotionally exhausted by the time they get there. As one participant said: ‘My family attended the first On The Edge. We were in great anguish, wanting to honour God, be faithful and yet not be foolish.’

On the first evening, people begin to recognise the many shared experiences: a nagging feeling that won’t go away; a disappointing conversation with a diocesan bishop; sleepless nights worrying about the church, their home, and their kids. Seeing an advert, sending an email, having a chat, deciding to come. There is a palpable sense of relief at not being alone.

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