Two hundred women gathered for the sold-out ‘Women for Mission’ (WfM) Conference organised by the Free Church of Scotland which took place at Culloden-Balloch Baptist Church, Inverness.
The first conference of its kind since 2018, ‘it was a real joy to have a wide age range of participants, including babes in arms whose behaviour was exemplary throughout the whole event,’ the FCoS website reports. ‘We were privileged to have as our main speaker Helen Thorne, Director of Training and Resources at Biblical Counselling UK, and author of a number of books.’
Helen explored the theme of ‘Hope, an Anchor for the Soul’, basing her talks on Psalm 46, a song of grace, love and hope. The anchor symbolised the security and the confidence that we have in God, even when there is a storm raging all around us. Hearers were reminded that they should not be surprised by trouble in life. It is easy to respond with a ‘that’s not fair’ cry when troubles come. As Christians we need to daily resist the world’s approach and turn to God, seeking His grace to apply His word to ourselves, striving to fix our eyes on our Saviour who will ‘supply all our needs’, even in the hardest of times.
The elderly and bereaved: a growing gospel need
“Let me put it this way. I don’t expect there to be many people at my funeral.”My new friend …