Calver and camel inspire

Iain Taylor  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Sep 2022
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Calver and 
 camel inspire

More than 300 people, including 50 under-18s, and a model camel called Jamal (pictured) gathered at Yarnfield Conference Centre, Staffordshire, for the 2022 Church’s Ministry among the Jewish People (CMJ UK) conference.

It began with a Shabbat (Sabbath) meal followed by worship, and the keynote speaker was Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance.

Calver pointed out that the church is experiencing explosive worldwide growth with more people than ever surrendering their lives to Jesus. Whilst the situation in the UK did not match elsewhere, he said churches in Britain needed to recover their confidence in the gospel and invest in young people. He noted also that, as He reached out to the world, Jesus Himself formed a youth group, as is reckoned that His disciples were all aged between 15 and 22.

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