Peter Lewis: a life-long call fulfilled

en staff  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2022
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Peter Lewis: a life-long call fulfilled

Peter Lewis, the well-known former pastor of Cornerstone Church Nottingham for 46 years, has died.

In a statement, the church said: ‘Although we grieve alongside Valerie and the rest of the family for his passing from this world, we rejoice that he now stands on a brighter shore, in the Kingdom of God. What marvels and wonders he now beholds, they are beyond our comprehension!’

In an interview with en in 2015, Lewis said: ‘I was a devout Welsh chapel boy with a high view of God but an inadequate view of the gospel. I became a Sunday School teacher at 12 but mine was a typical Welsh Baptist church, having had a liberal ministry for much of the century, and chary of anything resembling ‘born again’ enthusiasm as suspiciously ‘Pentecostal’.

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