Longstanding evangelical Synod member Sarah Finch writes: Newly-elected evangelical members of General Synod are getting into their stride - or so it seems to this correspondent.
Growing in confidence, they speak of their own faith in the Lord Jesus, and refer to Scripture. The report ‘Setting God’s People Free’, about local churches helping people be missionary disciples, Sunday to Saturday, was so warmly welcomed by one young woman that she raised her arms in the air! Such enthusiasm is rare.
There were sobering debates on human trafficking and the persecuted Church, racial justice and safeguarding, with updates on new structures to help the Church tackle these issues more effectively – the Racial Justice Commission, the Independent Safeguarding Board. We debated the remuneration of clergy, and the Faculty Jurisdiction Amendment Rules – churches can be very chilly if replacing a fossil-fuelled boiler means waiting for a faculty.
Have the Prayers of Love and Faith stalled? Not at all
This month’s General Synod will receive an update from the Living in Love and Faith Programme Board, but there will …