Protestant pandemic reflections: ‘Don’t fall into fear’

UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Feb 2022
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Protestant pandemic reflections: ‘Don’t fall into fear’

Regan King, pastor of The Angel Church, Islington

Around 45 people have gathered for a Protestant Truth Society (PTS) Day Conference titled ‘Covid and the Churches: a Biblical Response’ at St Mary’s Church, Castle Street, Reading. Priscilla Seidler writes:

Bishop Dominic Stockford, PTS chairman and pastor of Christ Church, Teddington, (who was consecrated as bishop for the Evangelical Connexion of the Free Church of England in 2008) spoke first, on ‘David and Goliath: an exposition of God’s wondrous provision’, which encouraged us to expect and look for God’s provision, knowing that our Lord God always provides more than enough for our needs – hugely encouraging and spot on for our times.

He was followed by Kevin McGrane of PTS, who gave us the facts about the current situation (as opposed to certain narratives being promulgated), clearly set out, with thoughts about the future, all very helpful.

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