ReNew: abuse & healthy church

ReNew  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2021
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The annual conference of ReNew for conservative evangelicals in the Church of England has been held in-person again, after a virtual session last year due to the pandemic.

The event tackled issues of spiritual abuse following recent high-profile cases and the publication of the Thirtyone:eight report into Jonathan Fletcher’s time at Emmanuel, Wimbledon. It also focused on ‘establishing healthy churches’ – the theme for the gathering.

Bishop Andy Lines of the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE) – a grouping outside traditional Anglican structures – said: ‘There were three sessions that together helped us begin to consider the impact of the Thirtyone:eight Review. These were sensitively and humbly handled, with Mark Wallace explaining the review carried out into ReNew itself, with changes made including the significantly greater transparency in leadership at regional and national levels and of the trustees; Rob Hudson leading us in prayer and lament; and Mark Burkill (Chairman of Trustees) requesting and fielding feedback on the Thirtyone:eight Review together with a panel. He requested that any further concerns about ReNew be addressed to him.

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