CUs manage tricky change

UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jul 2021
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CUs manage tricky change

Wales Team Leader, Peter Harris, delivering training at Forum Cymru

A new generation of Christian Union leaders who have only seen CU meetings online due to the pandemic are taking office across the country. Student organisation UCCF is finding creative ways to train and support them. Ed Preston, UCCF North East Team Leader, reports:

Every spring, the CUs manage a foundational change – passing on leadership to a new cohort of students. Until the world turned upside down last year, UCCF had a tried and tested method of supporting CUs through this vulnerable time – Regional Forum training weekends. Somewhere between 100–200 students from each region would descend on a conference centre for a weekend to receive teaching from God’s word, share meals, reflect with others from different universities about the vision, values and culture of CUs. Many new CU leaders often feel weak and nervous that they are not up to the task; Regional Forums are fun, vibrant and vital.

A Regional Forum weekend can’t be fully experienced through a screen. But this year, supporting students during this transition has been a more urgent task than ever before. Across Great Britain, large numbers of new leaders have never seen CU meetings or outreach events in person – this is the case for 70% of committee members in the North East, for example. There is a great need to support them.

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