Multiple baptisms at new church plant

Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE)  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2021
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Multiple baptisms at new church plant

’Wale Akinrogunde

Thirty people have gathered to witness the constitution of Grace Church Walthamstow in North East London, and the induction of ’Wale Akinrogunde as the pastor.

Formerly known as Church Hill Baptist Church, the original church was founded in 1633 and stood as the oldest Reformed Baptist Church in London, but sadly closed down in 2014. It was agreed that efforts should be made to replant a church in the same building.

Newly-elected deacon and church secretary, Manis Uduoborie led the service, in late April, and Barry King, pastor at Dunstable Baptist Church and General Secretary of Grace Baptist Partnership, preached the sermon, ‘Walking in the Truth’, from 3 John. Seven members covenanted together.

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